Monday, 11 February 2008

What inspires you to be creative?

As I got up at 5.30am this morning I could sense the moment of crystal clear thinking...the beauty of the dawn of a new day often does this to me...its why I love getting up early (and my beautiful 4 yr old insists on greeting the day early too!)

This day holds SO much potential...and in many ways its up to me which direction I can take it. Other than the divine nature of time and space we are all given so much freedom...this freedom is the freedom of the will and can take us too places of unimaginable peace and joy if we recognize the creative nature of the ONE who created it all. I am so blessed to be where I am, happy with my lot and really grateful for the opportunities that come my way to share my faith and present to people what I believe are gifts from above.

Everybody has potential. I believe creative people are all in the same family and we need to encourage each other to follow our creative passions. Whatever you do... artist, poet, singer, songwriter, writer...lets remember we all need to start somewhere. "Follow your creative passion today!"

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