Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Quiet Times & The Harvest

In My regular Quiet Times that are needed to refresh my batteries both personally and in the creation of Vision for my paintings, I pondered this morning about the many seeds I have planted in my life career as an artist.

I have spent many years testing & hopefully improving new ideas and mediums and I believe just like in our daily lives we are always learning and will continue to do so until our last breath. Unless of course we give up. Stop. Become Lazy or loose our focus.

I have been painting now for over 21 years and can say quite honestly that the reaping & sowing of my efforts are slowly starting to show. Thats a long time to wait for the harvest ....but I am not "waiting", I am "doing". Each day I chip away at each new project keeping the momentum going, even when I just don't feel like it. I am constantly motivated by these words and hope you, the readers will be too...
"Traveling on Life's journey we are faced with giant hills and valleys, some of which would want us to quit along the way. During these times we need to focus and try to see the finishing line, not the difficulties along the way." ALWAYS keep your focus on your goals."
http://www.Sowing & Reaping.com

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