Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Quiet Times & The Harvest

In My regular Quiet Times that are needed to refresh my batteries both personally and in the creation of Vision for my paintings, I pondered this morning about the many seeds I have planted in my life career as an artist.

I have spent many years testing & hopefully improving new ideas and mediums and I believe just like in our daily lives we are always learning and will continue to do so until our last breath. Unless of course we give up. Stop. Become Lazy or loose our focus.

I have been painting now for over 21 years and can say quite honestly that the reaping & sowing of my efforts are slowly starting to show. Thats a long time to wait for the harvest ....but I am not "waiting", I am "doing". Each day I chip away at each new project keeping the momentum going, even when I just don't feel like it. I am constantly motivated by these words and hope you, the readers will be too...
"Traveling on Life's journey we are faced with giant hills and valleys, some of which would want us to quit along the way. During these times we need to focus and try to see the finishing line, not the difficulties along the way." ALWAYS keep your focus on your goals."
http://www.Sowing & Reaping.com

Friday, 22 February 2008

The Oldest Art Magazine in the World!

In utilizing the Google search machine for my marketing adventures, I stumbled upon this link to "Art News". http://www.artnews.com/home/

There are literally dozens of Art Magazines to browse through at our local Borders but this one is the biggest & oldest and has been around since 1902! I can just imagine the type of artists that must have read and then been featured in this glossy magazine over the years, maybe someday soon I will be reading about David Jewell & JewellFineArt.com? One can only Hope so....

What I find really interesting is that if you subscribe to the mailing list you can browse through all the archives and download what you wish...going back years, I believe this is a valuable tool for testing new waters and getting hold of key people within the art community.

"Written by the editors of ARTnews and distributed electronically, ARTnewsletter is a timely, topical, biweekly report on the art market. It brings you the most accurate and most analytical coverage available, with reports on auctions, private sales, museum acquisitions, new legislation, tax regulations, prices for hot artists, new market areas, and more. It is the indispensable resource for art professionals and serious collectors who need to follow art trends throughout the world."

Friday, 15 February 2008

An Encouragement to all....

'Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights.' PROVERBS 18:15

When it comes to staying teachable, understand two things:

1) Nothing is interesting if you are not interested. Philip B. Crosby writes: 'There is a theory of human behaviour that says people subconsciously retard their own growth. They come to rely on cliches and habits. Once they reach the age of their own personal comfort with the world, they stop learning and their minds run on idle for the rest of their days. They may progress organisationally, they may be ambitious and eager, and they may even work night and day, but they learn no more.' It's a tragedy when we allow ourselves to get in a rut and never climb out. We miss the best God has to offer. In contrast, teachable people are fully engaged in life. They get excited about things. They are interested in discovery, discussion, application and growth.

2) Successful people view learning differently than those who are unsuccessful. That doesn't mean that unsuccessful people are unable to think the way successful people do. If you have the desire and the discipline, you can retrain yourself to think differently. Teachable people are always open to new ideas and are willing to learn from anyone who has something to offer. Sidney J. Harris wrote: 'A winner knows how much he still has to learn, even when he is considered an expert by others. A loser wants to be considered an expert by others, before he has learned enough to know how little he knows.' It's all a matter of attitude.

Bottom line - it's truly remarkable how much a person has to learn, before he realises how little he knows. So, stay teachable. To read more....
Go here....The Word For Today......

Monday, 11 February 2008

What inspires you to be creative?

As I got up at 5.30am this morning I could sense the moment of crystal clear thinking...the beauty of the dawn of a new day often does this to me...its why I love getting up early (and my beautiful 4 yr old insists on greeting the day early too!)

This day holds SO much potential...and in many ways its up to me which direction I can take it. Other than the divine nature of time and space we are all given so much freedom...this freedom is the freedom of the will and can take us too places of unimaginable peace and joy if we recognize the creative nature of the ONE who created it all. I am so blessed to be where I am, happy with my lot and really grateful for the opportunities that come my way to share my faith and present to people what I believe are gifts from above.

Everybody has potential. I believe creative people are all in the same family and we need to encourage each other to follow our creative passions. Whatever you do... artist, poet, singer, songwriter, writer...lets remember we all need to start somewhere. "Follow your creative passion today!"