Thursday, 27 December 2007

Crazy Christmas

Why Crazy?...well it seems the world goes a little mad, extremes in the divide between the rich and the poor expand, excuses to go mad with drink, stress from family, etc, etc ....all in the name of Jesus?...Surely not?

For me this is a time of Focus on my life, with crystal clear thinking of what I believe is the right path to take in this adventure of life. It is such a joy to see my family around me SO happy, why are they so happy? Well part of the reason is I believe I am expressing the gifts I have been given and this Joy and PEACE is infectious. Whatever your circumstances, I encourage you to step out in Faith like I have done, dare to be different and follow your dreams.

To all my readers I wish you a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year 2008
"... Felix Sit Annus Novus"

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Skype to be added to Ebay

According to this PR from eBay Skype buttons are to be rolled out anytime

I've been impressed with the technology so much I have now installed it on my laptop, which sits right next to where I paint. Free phone calls to the other millions of other people is very appealing to me. I like the professional aspect of the networking among others especially the fact that teleconferencing is also free with this system.

Although I love to paint, I also get a kick out of anything that can A - Save me time and B-Save me money! It has been great keeping in touch with my other artist friends and so far the software has worked beautifully, (not bad for what really is a P2P system)

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Changeling - Mike Oldfield New Autobiography

Just finished a review of MIKE OLDFIELD'S new book "The Changeling". I have read other Biographies of this great musical artist but this is better as its written from the source, Mr.Oldfield himself!

Together with VANGELIS & JEAN MICHEL JARRE I would say these 3 Artists have helped me discover imagination in my paintings more than any others. When I get more time I plan to write a lot more about Vangelis and how this amazing musician has been with me in my life since I was 9 years of age!

Here is a snippet from the London article I wrote..."One of the major influences in my Art career of 25 years, mainly because I have followed his career and his music since I was a child and his music has always made me happy and inspired me to think about the deeper meaning of life." For more please read the full article here..THISIS LONDON.CO.UK

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

Competition Entry

The Fine Art Guild has held a small competition to win the following:

"25 shortlisted artists' images will be printed by a professional UK-based printer. One lucky winner will win a Canon imagePROGRAF 5100 large-format printer, worth £2000. The shortlisted entrants and winner will receive extensive coverage in Art Business Today and valuable promotion to the entire art trade. We plan to present the competition winner with his or her prize at next year's Spring Fair Birmingham."

As I am a member of the Fine Art Trade Guild (for 3 years), I have entered the Dynamic Painting Called "Ethereal Visions" (Opposite)...Lets hope David Jewell will win!

Monday, 1 October 2007

"The ZONE"


In my weekly meeting with my fellow Artist Friend, Inspired words flowed from our conversation yesterday afternoon...
We discussed the experience that most artist have, almost a spiritual event, when one feels inspired and rewarded as the artistic talents are being exercised, We call it "The ZONE"
This is when we feel we are producing the best work we can at that moment in time.

Getting into "The ZONE"- How to do it with consistence:

1. We must prioritize the art first, any hobbies need to be seen as just that and shouldn't replace the creative artistic energies.

2. Sitting on your butt and working, that's how you get "IN" there, if you are in front of the canvas and putting in the hours, eventually you arrive at a point where the work is flowing.

3. A flow is a thing that hasn't got blockage.

4. Don't neglect your family, but make it hard to drop the brush (interruptions need to be controlled)

5. We need to plumb the depths, and create what we are meant to create.

6. Artistic gifting is a responsibility to be taken seriously.

7. Atmosphere can really help, inspiring music, energetic & pleasing surroundings, even the sense of smell (Fragrance Oil etc) can achieve an ambiance productive in the right kind of thinking.

8. Remember practise in the gifting only sharpens the talent and can only improve our work over time, we can also sharpen one another when we encourage excellence in each others work-
work your way INTO the zone TODAY!

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Forever Autumn By Justin Hayward

Its Autumn & I'm listening to this song by the Moody Blues singer again. Click here...

Its one of the best songs from my past that always reminds me of my wonderful & happy childhood.

I was always daydreaming and when asked what I would like to do when I get older....the answer would always be an inventor! Well I came close as I now "INVENT" images using both realistic & abstract themes within my Oil & Acrylic paintings.

Its also so strange for me to know in my knowledge of self, that it is at this time of the year I always feel really inspired, full of energy and so positive in Life's Adventure.

I am really looking foreword to producing some great Art over the next few weeks.

Friday, 31 August 2007

New 2007 Brochure to follow soon

Working late tonight & hoping to update the brochure I have been giving away to New Collectors of my Art since 2005. Although I have created over 150 pieces in the last couple of years I will choose only the VERY BEST of my paintings and produce the Ltd Edition prints, ready for the Christmas 2007 market.

Also really pleased that the first stage of the professional lighting and simulated "Digi-back" system arrived today. I hope to do the first tests next week and I am convinced the results will be worth the investment in this latest equipment. I will be able to shoot the reproductions of my art in-house and thus achieve a consistent work flow.

In all I do in the fine art world, I am aiming at excellence, my standards are high not just to see the collectors smile as they hang the painting on the wall, but it is also important to me to try to do the best I can (and to remember to enjoy the whole experience of gaining knowledge!)

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Summer 2007...a time for Reflection

Another Summer and the relaxing & warm feeling of time slowing down conjures up my imagination. Vitamin D is not the only by-product, the long days can with a little help with creative thought, suggest what Eternity might be like. I have more ideas to create Beautiful paintings than at any other time of my life the problem is TIME.

So I have developed a personal plan to fit in as many duties as possible into the early mornings to free up the days to become more prolific in my creative output. The people I admire in business are the ones who do not waste any time in the day and enjoy the fruits of their labour with their families. The wholesome balance of work & pleasure is difficult to achieve overnight.

It can take years to perfect , so I am starting to read up on others who are successful in this. I have also finished my 10 year "Goals" plan. I am a strong believer in putting pen to paper & creating a plan of action.

"“Without a vision the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

Monday, 16 July 2007

The Americans Have an unfair advantage -GOOD FOR THEM!

Weeks have passed trying to finalise the integration of my shopping cart, payment processor and accounting structure only to find out there is not 1 UK company centralising these services! BUT in the good ol'USA there are plenty AND they compete really well against each other bringing the costs down all the time to the end user.

BIG players are now leveling the field with pay pal recently becoming a bank here in Europe and Google offering Google check-out. Why not use them all I say....So here's a link to one of my Google base sites, Up and coming will be my Ebay site and the fully intergrated Shopping cart (using 3rd party software)

Saturday, 30 June 2007

50 Days Have Passed!

Its slipping through my hands like sand...TIME! 50 days ago I updated this blog but it seemed like yesterday. So much has happened, the progress of the new website continues and with the completion of STUDIO 3 I now have the Full Giclee setup.

This enables small and large format MUSEUM ARCHIVAL quality printers to supply the ever growing needs of the Ltd Edition Canvas and archival paper demands.

Also progressing is the SEO and IM (Internet marketing) websites I am developing to fully utilise the potential within the Internet /online art community that I serve. Happy Blessed times.

PS Its been raining now for neally all this time too! (Who Cares?)

Thursday, 10 May 2007

"The Tangled Maze"

Inspration comes in many forms and this morning for many different reasons this piece of poetry by N. L. ZINZENDORF inspired me greatly.

"He leads us on through all the unquiet years;
Past all our dreamland hopes, and doubts and fears, He guides our steps, through all the tangled maze Of losses, sorrows, and o’er clouded days; We know His will is done.....
And still He leads us on."

The grip on Life and the BUZZ that I get from reading powerful encouragement nearly always motivates me through the day. And Today I put the finishing touches to my website sitemap... maybe i'll be painting by the weekend, I have so many Ideas for some eye-popping paintings. I also continue to build up my portfolio of images, the photo above is of the sunrise at 5.30am a few days ago from behind my art studio!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

Only a few days left before the Re-design

New series of Paintings For 2007

With only a few days left before the Re-design goes live I am testing the final stages ready for the advanced site menu. Already however i am working on V.3.0 as I see a need to incorporate as much of the new developments within the the New Web 2.0 standards.

I hope to include more embedded videos and of course audio including user interaction on the customisation of some final art designs. This week also sees me starting a new series of 12 Paintings all about the " Wonders of the Universe"...more about this fascinating and exciting subject coming very soon!

Monday, 23 April 2007

Carpe Diem

They get bored being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.

They lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.

That by thinking anxiously about the future they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present nor the future. They live as is they will never die and they die as if they had never lived.

Carpe Diem

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Creation of Ideas

"Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly." (Author:Rolf Smith)
After spending a few short hours with an artist colleague last night we both came to the same conclusion that it’s VITAL to start the day in the right frame of mind. Although I love my fresh Starbucks Arabian mocha java and we both joked about the powerful effects of this legal drug it’s not the coffee that’s important but the QUIET time that’s critical to the clear thinking.

The most important man made tool I use to begin the creation of ideas is my comfortable writing parker pen! A quick plan of action written down on a plain sheet of paper and there you have it…the excitement of a new idea waiting to be born. One of my ideas early this morning is to test the linking idea between this site and my New Youtube Site. If you wish to see a short video introduction to my work with beautiful music (by the master composer Vangelis) please click:

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

The LAUNCH of my NEW 2007 website

"Etherial Vision" Oils on Canvas © 2003 David Jewell

April has began with some stunning weather here in the romantic country of WALES which = more energy and desires to reach my goals....How does the sun effect you?

I have updated my OFFICIAL website with some exciting news on the Upgrade of my 2007 website, which will have E-commerce facilities, in other words you will be able to automatically order my LIMITED EDITION PRINTS & CANVAS Giclee 24/7 365 days of the week...I'm really enthused about this long overdue addition.

Thursday, 29 March 2007

From the Deep Forest of A Woodland

The very first picture for this blog begins with the deep forest & woodlands of
Penllergaer Forest

Morning Coffee to the sound of my little boys song

As I grind my fresh Starbucks beans at 6.00am, my little 3yr old Angel asks "Daddy can we go to the forest again?"

So the planning for the day is before me, and after meeting up with a good friend for a hearty breakfast off we trundle.
One of the main thoughts on my mind is how to explain what this blog will be about so on the second day and second entry the explanation at this moment in time is best described in the follwiing manner...

"This Blog will record daily/weekly thoughts, inspirations, meditations, plans & activities revolving around my fine art career as the artist David Jewell"

My hope is to "INSPIRE & ENCOURAGE" thoughts with words & pictures to anyone, anywhere and to consider the "BIGGER PICTURE" that life's adventure can bring us.

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Welcome...To begin at the Beginning (Dylan Thomas)

On this Beautiful Spring Day I am filled with The Hope we all have when we think of the possibilities of choosing the right path in Life, to lead us to inner peace & happiness...Real Treasures.

I hope to share some of these real treasures with you both in my personal 43 Year adventure of Life so far AND in the 21 years of running my own business in the creative world of the Arts...Come with me on this journey....