Monday, 1 October 2007

"The ZONE"


In my weekly meeting with my fellow Artist Friend, Inspired words flowed from our conversation yesterday afternoon...
We discussed the experience that most artist have, almost a spiritual event, when one feels inspired and rewarded as the artistic talents are being exercised, We call it "The ZONE"
This is when we feel we are producing the best work we can at that moment in time.

Getting into "The ZONE"- How to do it with consistence:

1. We must prioritize the art first, any hobbies need to be seen as just that and shouldn't replace the creative artistic energies.

2. Sitting on your butt and working, that's how you get "IN" there, if you are in front of the canvas and putting in the hours, eventually you arrive at a point where the work is flowing.

3. A flow is a thing that hasn't got blockage.

4. Don't neglect your family, but make it hard to drop the brush (interruptions need to be controlled)

5. We need to plumb the depths, and create what we are meant to create.

6. Artistic gifting is a responsibility to be taken seriously.

7. Atmosphere can really help, inspiring music, energetic & pleasing surroundings, even the sense of smell (Fragrance Oil etc) can achieve an ambiance productive in the right kind of thinking.

8. Remember practise in the gifting only sharpens the talent and can only improve our work over time, we can also sharpen one another when we encourage excellence in each others work-
work your way INTO the zone TODAY!

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