Thursday, 12 April 2007

Creation of Ideas

"Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly." (Author:Rolf Smith)
After spending a few short hours with an artist colleague last night we both came to the same conclusion that it’s VITAL to start the day in the right frame of mind. Although I love my fresh Starbucks Arabian mocha java and we both joked about the powerful effects of this legal drug it’s not the coffee that’s important but the QUIET time that’s critical to the clear thinking.

The most important man made tool I use to begin the creation of ideas is my comfortable writing parker pen! A quick plan of action written down on a plain sheet of paper and there you have it…the excitement of a new idea waiting to be born. One of my ideas early this morning is to test the linking idea between this site and my New Youtube Site. If you wish to see a short video introduction to my work with beautiful music (by the master composer Vangelis) please click:

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