Thursday 27 December 2007

Crazy Christmas

Why Crazy?...well it seems the world goes a little mad, extremes in the divide between the rich and the poor expand, excuses to go mad with drink, stress from family, etc, etc ....all in the name of Jesus?...Surely not?

For me this is a time of Focus on my life, with crystal clear thinking of what I believe is the right path to take in this adventure of life. It is such a joy to see my family around me SO happy, why are they so happy? Well part of the reason is I believe I am expressing the gifts I have been given and this Joy and PEACE is infectious. Whatever your circumstances, I encourage you to step out in Faith like I have done, dare to be different and follow your dreams.

To all my readers I wish you a Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year 2008
"... Felix Sit Annus Novus"

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