Wednesday, 29 April 2009

My Abstract Paintings Gallery

My All New 2009 Abstract Paintings Gallery will be going live within a few weeks as I am about to "ramp up" my schedule of output of abstract painting. Painting in the media of oils as many artists know, takes time for the finished works to dry, the results of these canvas originals can be dazzling to the eye as the oil medium is so three dimensional.

The New Range of Jewell's Fine Art will be for sale to the general public including many original abstract paintings which will demonstrate the power of abstract oil painting on canvases. The main media of oils, acrylics and oilbar will reflect years of study & practise resulting in the main oil paintings gallery.

The Artwork for sale will suit all tastes and will be themed into popular and original niches of interest. (autumn leaves, flower bursts, geometric abstraction, abstract expressionism, lyrical abstraction, etc). One of main aims will be to establish more sources of distribution, especially in my favourite city; New York. I have visited the old town & the village many times and have always been impressed by the extremely high quality of fine art on display within the modern art gallery displays.

Although I have my own distinctive & original "voice" I am always interested in other works of art by leading abstract artists such as Piet Mondrian, Georges Braque, Pablo Picasso & other 19th & 20th century (& 21st century!) artists & art movements. Generally speaking these are now classed under the modern contemporary art umbrella.

The Flow of my paint is producing a bouquet of colours, here in the United Kingdom we have left autumn & the rain behind, hear comes the sun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really like your artwork...but when are you updating the site...Look forward to this.