Thursday 29 March 2007

Morning Coffee to the sound of my little boys song

As I grind my fresh Starbucks beans at 6.00am, my little 3yr old Angel asks "Daddy can we go to the forest again?"

So the planning for the day is before me, and after meeting up with a good friend for a hearty breakfast off we trundle.
One of the main thoughts on my mind is how to explain what this blog will be about so on the second day and second entry the explanation at this moment in time is best described in the follwiing manner...

"This Blog will record daily/weekly thoughts, inspirations, meditations, plans & activities revolving around my fine art career as the artist David Jewell"

My hope is to "INSPIRE & ENCOURAGE" thoughts with words & pictures to anyone, anywhere and to consider the "BIGGER PICTURE" that life's adventure can bring us.

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